Thursday, September 24, 2015


Big Bang Theory is a serie about the life of a physics that in the social life are a disaster, and suddenly a women called Penny went to life near him.

Sheldon Cooper: Is a physic who shares a floor with Leonard Hofstadter, Sheldon is a person with photographic memory and is very very very strange. He minds that he one of the more intelligent person that exist .  He is a physical studying the theory of the string theory.
Leonard Hofstadter: Is the company and good friend of Sheldon Cooper, in the group he is one of the more normal mentally.He is a physical experimental.
Howard Wolowitz: He is the jewish friend of the grup, and he is the only man in the group that don't have a master, and the others do jokes about that and about his "monster" mother. He is an engineer
Rajesh Koothrappali: Is Indian, he have problems with the girls and for this he needs to drink for can talk to him and in her presence. He works in the astrology.

Amy Farrah Fowler: is a woman who do neurobiologist. She is from Glendale. She studied at Harvard University. She has her own apartment in Glendale, California. 

Bernadette Rostenkowski: is a former waitress at the cheescake factory. She has her own apartment in Pasadena. In her teens she entered beauty pageants including one for Miss California Quiznos of 1999.

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