Predictions about my life when I'm 30 years old
I hope that when I'm30 years old i'll work programming games.
I'll continue doing karate.
I won't die.
I will live in a big city.
I won't have animals.
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Future simple will/be going to
The future tense is used to describe, promises, voluntary actions, predictions and spontaneous decisions
the structure is: will + verb infinitive
We can change the will to an 'll
I hope that tomorrow will snow.
I'll send you an email.
The negative form of the will is the won't
the structure is: won't + verb infinitive
I won't study
Will you come
Time expressions
I thing
I hope
I guess
I'm sure
(to the twice tenses)
on Monday
The day after
the next day
the following day

be going to
The future tense is used to plans,intentions,decisions.
After to use the form be going to the next verb goes in present simple tense
+subj +to be + going to+inf
-subj +to be+ not + going to+inf
?to be+ subject+going to+inf?
I'm going to come to school tomorrow
I'm not going to come to school tomorrow
Am I going to come to school tomorrow?
Time expressions
I've decided
I've planned
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Big Bang theory
They went to a sperm bank.They entered and waited the recepcionist,
Leonard answered the crossword and took the papers to do the donation.
Sheldon said that they couldn't do this, Leonard decided to do the same, so Leonard said to leave the bank and they did it.
after that they went to home, and they met Penny, his new neighbour, Leonard tried to introduce himself to Penny, then he invited her to dinner, then Penny asked what they did today for fun, Sheldon asked that they masturbated for money and Leonard got angry with Sheldon.
They went to a sperm bank.They entered and waited the recepcionist,
Leonard answered the crossword and took the papers to do the donation.
Sheldon said that they couldn't do this, Leonard decided to do the same, so Leonard said to leave the bank and they did it.
after that they went to home, and they met Penny, his new neighbour, Leonard tried to introduce himself to Penny, then he invited her to dinner, then Penny asked what they did today for fun, Sheldon asked that they masturbated for money and Leonard got angry with Sheldon.
Leonard and sheldon talked
They looked at something
They walked
Leonard opened the door
The recepcionist di a crossboard
Leonard moved his head
Leonard answered the crossboard
Leonard asked something
They writed something
They sitted
They thought about leaving
They stood up
They left
They said bye
They listened to music
They met a girl
They had a breakfast
They took photographs
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Email and Sharing
My social nets are 4: outlook, gmail, whatsapp and curse.
Except the whatsapp that I have to open in my phone the others are in my PC and in all of these I always have to log in.
outlook is an email net that lets me to send messages other people and receive them.
gmail does the same than outlook, but that's more used and it has the option to make a videocall to somebody and talk with him in a chat.
curse I usually use to talk with friend and make videocalls, I believe that's best than gmail hangouts
The advantage of the curse is that I can see what my friends are playing , I really love this feature.
The last is the whatsapp, often I use this app because I don't use the mobile but we can put faces, audios ,videos and do a lot of xats with the contacts, with that app I can see the messages that I wrote before easily.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Despicable me 2 Exercise 2
At 7:45 i woke up of my bed.I wore another clothes.
I ate cereals.
I went to the classes.
I started with an exam about SOM, and after this i did an hour that i corrected exercises in MME.
I went to eat my second breakfast with my friends and i returned to the classes.
I did another our of MME but this tim all that we did was theory.
And finished with 2 hours of English.
In this 2 hours we corrected an exercises of the last day.
And we started to plain a project of a video to send the video to french students.
To:readers of my blog
I usually weak up at 7:45, I change the clothes that I wear, and I have a breakfast of cereals, I take the breakfast for the school and I go to classes.
I often learn about the rules about the computing work in FOL, or I learn more about the structure of the computers in MME, or I practise apps in AO and AW.
After 3 classes I have a recess of time, and in this time I eat and I talk with my friends.
After this I return to classes 3 hours more with ANG I learn english, SOM learn operative about systems, and XL, I learn about webs and his structures, the three are very interesting classes.
When I arrive at home I lunch, I play with the computer and with my dog.
After this activities I go to Karate, I take a shower and I return to my house.
In the house I have a dinner, I see videos in youtube in the computer and i go to sleep.
In saturday the difference is that I don't go to the school and to karate too, but to compense I got to the Agrupament Escolta Nostra Dona del Tura.
In the sundays I have all the day free to play.
I usually weak up at 7:45, I change the clothes that I wear, and I have a breakfast of cereals, I take the breakfast for the school and I go to classes.
I often learn about the rules about the computing work in FOL, or I learn more about the structure of the computers in MME, or I practise apps in AO and AW.
After 3 classes I have a recess of time, and in this time I eat and I talk with my friends.
After this I return to classes 3 hours more with ANG I learn english, SOM learn operative about systems, and XL, I learn about webs and his structures, the three are very interesting classes.
When I arrive at home I lunch, I play with the computer and with my dog.
After this activities I go to Karate, I take a shower and I return to my house.
In the house I have a dinner, I see videos in youtube in the computer and i go to sleep.
In saturday the difference is that I don't go to the school and to karate too, but to compense I got to the Agrupament Escolta Nostra Dona del Tura.
In the sundays I have all the day free to play.
And this is a normal week for me.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Instant messaging
sign up
client software
log off
social networking
video phones
service providers
video conferencing
USB slot
laptop computer
upload photo
Google Talk
FAQ (frequently asked questions)
video conferencing
USB slot
laptop computer
upload photo
Google Talk
FAQ (frequently asked questions)
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Past simple Past continous
Past simple
We use the past simple to express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in the past.
We finish the verbs with -ed except the irregular verbs.
We use didn't. I/You/He/She/We/They didn't study and for this he failed the exam
We use the form of the verb to be did, and ever that there is a did, the next verb goes with present.
With irregular verbs we don't use did, just use the verbs in his past simple time
Did I/You/He/She/We/They go the the conference?
Frequency adverbs
when I was a child
when I was younger
Past continous
We use the past continous to say something that happened in a exactly moment.
Singular was
Plural were
I was playing a game
We were
Past simple
We use the past simple to express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in the past.
We finish the verbs with -ed except the irregular verbs.
We use didn't. I/You/He/She/We/They didn't study and for this he failed the exam
We use the form of the verb to be did, and ever that there is a did, the next verb goes with present.
With irregular verbs we don't use did, just use the verbs in his past simple time
Did I/You/He/She/We/They go the the conference?
Frequency adverbs
when I was a child
when I was younger
Past continous
We use the past continous to say something that happened in a exactly moment.
Singular was
Plural were
I was playing a game
We were
- I was watching TV when she called.
- When the phone rang, she was writing a letter.
- While we were having the picnic, it started to rain.
- What were you doing when the earthquake started?
- I was listening to my iPod, so I didn't hear the fire alarm.
- You were not listening to me when I told you to turn the oven off.
- While John was sleeping last night, someone stole his car.
- Sammy was waiting for us when we got off the plane.
- While I was writing the email, the computer suddenly went off.
- A: What were you doing when you broke your leg?
Present simple Present continous
The present simple is used to describe routines, habits and repeated actions
In present simple with the persons he she it the verbs end with -s or -es He plays football
With I You We They the verbs are infinitives We play football.
Negative form
I You We They don't I don't practise sport
With he/she/it doesn't He doesn't practise sport.
(I, YOU,We,They) DO+Subject+Inf Do you work?
(he she it) Does +Subject+Inf Does he/she/it work?
Time expressions
Every day
Frequency adverbs
Hardly ever (quasi mai)
Once a week
Twice a day
1.Ella no ve els dissabtes. She doesn't come on saturdays
2.Cada dijous estudiem mates junts. Every thursday we study maths together
3. Neda cada dia? Does he swim every day?
4. No vaig mai al cinema entre setmana. I never go to the cinema during the week.
5. Amb quina freqüència et rentes les dents? With what frequency you wash your theeth? Twice a day.
Present continous
and the continous for what is happening at the moment.
Positive form
In the present continous the persons have the verb to be, in the persons he she it we use the form is, with I we use am and with the others are.
All the verbs ends with -ing
I'm speaking
They/We/You are talking
He is writing
Negative form
i'm not playing
he she it isn't speaking
we you they aren't playing
Am I playing?
Is he speaking?
Are we/they/you playing?
Time expressions
At the moment
Right now
Present continous
Sheldon is talking
Leonard is listening
He is looking at something
They are walking
He is opening the door
She is doing a crossboard
He is moving his head
He is answering the crossboard
He is asking something
She is sitting
They are writing
They are sitting
They are thinking about leaving
They are standing up
They are leaving
They are saying bye
They aren't listening to music
They aren't meeting a girl
They aren't having a breakfast
They aren't taking photographs
Present simple
They usually speak
He hardly do the receptionist crossword
They usually write
They hardly ever leave the bank
He usually open the door
They often answer questions
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
I choose it because one friend has that phone and ever than I see how he plays games or see videos in that, I feel envy because in comparison I have a wooden mobile. The mobile one plus one has a 5,5 inch, 3G of RAM a processor of 2.5GHz quad-core, and a memory of 16GBto 64GB. It works with andorid 5.11(lollypop)
One plus One have a Camera with a resolution of 20 megapixels to do videos in high definition and
Rather than customising android, OnePlus features Cyanogenmod 11s Android OS which gives more openness and tonnes of customisation features. Cyanogenmod ROMs are one of the best available till date with great utilities, features and securities.
That mobile has a battery with a endurance rating of 66h.
The pros of this phone are:
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Amy Farrah Fowler: is a woman who do neurobiologist. She is from Glendale. She studied at Harvard University. She has her own apartment in Glendale, California.
Big Bang Theory is a serie about the life of a physics that in the social life are a disaster, and suddenly a women called Penny went to life near him.
Sheldon Cooper: Is a physic who shares a floor with Leonard Hofstadter, Sheldon is a person with photographic memory and is very very very strange. He minds that he one of the more intelligent person that exist . He is a physical studying the theory of the string theory.
Leonard Hofstadter: Is the company and good friend of Sheldon Cooper, in the group he is one of the more normal mentally.He is a physical experimental.Sheldon Cooper: Is a physic who shares a floor with Leonard Hofstadter, Sheldon is a person with photographic memory and is very very very strange. He minds that he one of the more intelligent person that exist . He is a physical studying the theory of the string theory.
Howard Wolowitz: He is the jewish friend of the grup, and he is the only man in the group that don't have a master, and the others do jokes about that and about his "monster" mother. He is an engineer
Rajesh Koothrappali: Is Indian, he have problems with the girls and for this he needs to drink for can talk to him and in her presence. He works in the astrology.Amy Farrah Fowler: is a woman who do neurobiologist. She is from Glendale. She studied at Harvard University. She has her own apartment in Glendale, California.
Bernadette Rostenkowski: is a former waitress at the cheescake factory. She has her own apartment in Pasadena. In her teens she entered beauty pageants including one for Miss California Quiznos of 1999.
How to get online using mobile technology
Mobile technology
Using your mobile to get online
mobile phone
service provider
mobile internet
mobile web
Wi-fi connection
service provider
mobile internet
mobile web
Wi-fi connection
What's the difference between 3G and Wi-Fi connections?
Log on/in
Tap on
the signal
turn on/off
Radio waves,
mobile conectivity
web data
conection 3G
About mobile data usage
mobile package
data bundle
How can I take and share photos on my mobile phone or tablet device?
inbuilt cameras
shutter button
How to stay safe on your mobile
malicious software
trusted source
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Describing yourself
Errors in the text:
and Greens eyes= And Green eyes
I’m quite extrovertly and frendly. I’m quite extrovertly and
I have 19 years old. I am 19 years old.
As you can see from the foto. As you can see from the photo.
It’s an italian name. It’s an Italian name.
But i dont have much free time. But i don’t have much free time.
Becuase I have classes every day. Because I have classes every day.
I think she mean that i talk too much. I think she meant that i
talk too much.
I’m studing= I’m studying
friday= Friday
- Alessandra is from Argentina.
- She has an italian name
because her grandmother was from Italy.
- She lives in Mendoza.
- She lives with his
parents and his two brothers.
- She is studying computing
- Her eyes are greens.
- No, she isn’t.
- Her favourite free time
activities are read and go to the cinema.
- She goes to the english
classroom in the Fridays.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
My name is Marc Contreras, I am 15 years old and i live in Olot. I have a brother called Dani who is 23 years.
In my family we have a pet, a dog called Chuki, I had him for a lot of years. We have a bird too, but he is only good with my father and a little bit with my brother.
At present, I'm studying computing in the IES Bosc de la Coma. I had studied before in that center for 4 years but I’m finally doing what I like to do so I go to the center without obligation.
When i have time, I play games with my friends using the computer, or watching videos or practise karate, that's amazing, and enough emotions for me. I sometimes read, but it doesn't happen very usually.
On my holidays I was in a camping doing... I don't know really what I did there, just waste the time, but it was good, I could go to the swimming pool, to the beach, and I made a lot of friends with I could play and avoid boredom.
I'm average-height. I've got straight hair, blue eyes and I wear glasses.
My name is Marc Contreras, I am 15 years old and i live in Olot. I have a brother called Dani who is 23 years.
In my family we have a pet, a dog called Chuki, I had him for a lot of years. We have a bird too, but he is only good with my father and a little bit with my brother.
At present, I'm studying computing in the IES Bosc de la Coma. I had studied before in that center for 4 years but I’m finally doing what I like to do so I go to the center without obligation.
When i have time, I play games with my friends using the computer, or watching videos or practise karate, that's amazing, and enough emotions for me. I sometimes read, but it doesn't happen very usually.
On my holidays I was in a camping doing... I don't know really what I did there, just waste the time, but it was good, I could go to the swimming pool, to the beach, and I made a lot of friends with I could play and avoid boredom.
I'm average-height. I've got straight hair, blue eyes and I wear glasses.
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